Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Bath Bubble in action

Here is a short video of the Bath Bubble in action.

Matilda's Market preparations and behind the scenes info.

It's market time!! 

Preparing for Mathilda's this Sunday is yet another occasion where it is a race to the finish line and silently hoping that all will be ready by Sunday.  Here is a behind the scenes look how we created this helpful product every new mum loves.

After cutting, sewing, starching and ironing meters and meter of bias binding tape in our new design and colour range for the Bath Bubble, we're finally done.  This weekend's Matilda's Market, at Albert Hall in Canberra, will be the first market that we will be selling the new design and colour range although it's been available on line.

The Bath Bubble needs to adhere to Australian safety standards and this is why we need all the warning signs on the Bath Bubble.  Although is does not prevent accidents from happening it sure reminds the person constantly to be aware of their action. The warning signs are all printed manually onto the Bath Bubble fabric so we can be sure it wont wash off with continual use.

Finally its time to fill the Bath Bubble with the exact amount and type of polystyrene balls to give the right amount of buoyancy. Quality control is next before the final step of packaging all the Bath Bubbles and giving them a big kiss and instructing them to be helpful to their new parents.

I'm looking forward seeing you all at the market on Sunday. Bring your cash too or do what I do, bring your husband! Pick what you want then turn around and look at him and say ‘will you get this for me, honey. Thanks’ and smile sweetly! It works and I see my customers do it too, and reward him with a BIG kiss.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Five easy step bathing you preemie at home.

My dear friend with her preemie Daniella in NICU using the Bath Bubble.

Did you know Bubbles and Bibs makes Bath Bubbles for premature baby's?  The Bath Bubble is approved by Midwife Lynne Mckensey Hall from Better Beginnings

Here is five easy steps to bath your newborn at home.
Chances are your nurse helped you bathe your preemie baby in the hospital but now that you’re home you’re struggling to remember every step.  Relax help is at hand with the Bath BubbleBath Wrap, Mummy's Bib and following these six easy steps  bath time will be a stress-free and relaxing time both you and your baby will love each time.

Be prepared

Just as you would gather supplies before making your favourite recipe, get your bath assembled in a warm environment.  Turn off the phone and ask dad for an extra pair of hands to help . . . just in case.

Place the baby bathtub on a firm surface, place the Bath Bubble in a regular bathtub or baby bathtub and set your bath articles away from baby’s reach. Bath items you will want include a soft wash cloth, cotton balls, rinse water, etc.
Prepare the after-bath area for drying by padding with extra clean towels. To warm your Mummy's Bib or towels before the bath, toss them into the dryer on the “delicate” cycle for 5 minutes or so. Make sure you have an extra diaper, too, since bathing often stimulates babies to relax and let it rip!

Test the water

Your baby’s bath should be warmer than lukewarm, so she doesn’t get chilled. Her body temperature is 37C, so aim for bath water that’s between 36ºC to 37ºC. Test the water with your elbow, rather than your hand, as our hands are used to warmer temperatures. My mother in law actually thought me to test the water like this, but I used a digital thermometer instead. 

Putting baby into the Bath Bubble

Wrap them up in the Bath Wrap and place them inside the Bath Bubble.  The Bath Wrap will help them feeling safe and secure.  When they have adjusted to the water gently un wrap them and wipe and wash them with the Bath Wrap (Made from soft muslin)

Drying time made easy.

When bath time is finished place the Mummy’s Bib around your neck just like a bib, this allows you the lift baby out the bath without clinging the towel underneath your chin.  Lift your baby from the bath and place them against your chest and covering baby’s head with the hood at the bottom of the towel, wrap them up with the warmth of the towel.  Place them on the change table or prepared surface.  Loosen the Mummy’s Bib behind your neck use this part to dry small areas (between the toes, fingers and behind the ears.)

Dress for success

Dress your baby in the appropriate clothes recommended by your NICU nurse.  Baby is now ready for bed.

Enjoy this precious time with your baby stress free with the help of Bubbles and Bibs.

Great beginner sewing project, children's hoodie (0-5years)

My new project, making the boys hoodie's for Canberra's winter that is approaching very fast.  In less then six weeks we will be switching on our heaters for the next 5 or so months. Here is the link for  this fabulous hoodie pattern (0-5 years) with great instructions. 
You can make a toddler and children's hoodie for less than $22.  3 meters navy knit @ $3.85 = $11.55.  2 meters chevron flannel @ $4.90 = $ 9.80. Total $21.35