Friday, 10 October 2014

Gluten Free what's the fuss?

Is Gluten Free is just a fashion craze?

To all my Gluten free Followers, Friends and Family. I know that most of you think Gluten Free is the new Stupid or a fashion craze:-) if only this was true, my life would've been soooo much easier. That's why I need your help.
As you all know I'm Gluten intolerant and I've tried all most all the GF receipts and products the internet and books has to offer. Sadly most of the products and receipts is loaded with additives and preservatives. This is my quest for products to make my life and those around me easier. Please help me by answering this "Gluten Free Survey"
1. Do you know anyone especially kids and teenagers suffering from coeliac disease, gluten intolerance or food sensitivity?

2. Would an on line site here in Canberra offering all natural and gluten free, no added preservatives cookie dough, dry cookie mix products and bread mixes interest you?

3. If gluten-free food tasted nice with out all the processed ingredients, would you eat it?

4. At what price per loaf do you think is acceptable to pay for gluten-free bread, dry cookie pre mixes and ready to bake dough?

5. Do you believe gluten-free products with no added preservatives are readily available within your area or coffee shop at an affordable price?

6. What gluten-free products would you like to see on the menu of a cafe or available for home baking?

Please leave you comments or suggestions below. Thanks guys.

Please leave some feedback

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Life in Memory Lane

Making Memory toys keeps me humble and thankful.

I've been so blessed and humbled by the amount of orders I've received and made since the day my innocent post for "Johnny Bear" on Facebook read it here.

I was just a Mum that couldn't bear the thought of selling or giving away her precious boys (2 and 5) clothes, and I knew there must be other Mums out there that feels the same.

During this short journey I've met so many wonderful people and awesome Mums. I really love what I do it humbles me everything realising how privileged I am to have to healthy boys. Every Memory Toy and Quilt is a Mum's and a Dad's fond memories of her little one that is in my hands to preserve.  

Its not always easy to cut into all the those cute and adorable onesie, babygro,dresses or special out fits. There's days that tears welts up and I praying out loud: "Dear Lord, please help me to cut it perfect and help me not to make a mistake. This is someone else's treasured possessions I'm responsible for" (Yes, making it perfect does require heavenly intervention and inspiration).  I really feel the pressure getting it perfect, after all I'm cutting (pardon the pan) up someone's memories;-)  Every single Memory Toy and Quilt has turned out perfect (well is my eyes;-) 

There's nothing quite like a hug from a bear, especially form one made form special outfits that's looks and smells familiar.

I wont be the Wife, Mum or Business women I'm today with out the support of my darling Husband and two boys (between snack time, lunch time, toilet patrol, nap times and the school run) and good friends. 

Bubbles and Bibs will be expanding in the new year employing a part time seamstress, so if there's any stay at home mums that can sew and is looking for a part time income please email for for information.  

This the is picture form a story that is so close to my heart.  Secretly I still believe toys come to life at night when we're all a sleep.  Read the story here
Thank you to every Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, friends and family for your support and encouragement.  This dream would've came true if it wasn't for you all. 

Remember to get your Christmas orders in before the end of October for guaranteed delivery before or on 22 December 2014.  More info here on how to order your special Memory Toy or Quilt.

Thanks for reading, chat soon.
