Another great market on Sunday at Old Bus Depot Markets.
Thanks to everyone that came around to our stall and had a chat. Hope you all enjoy your Bath Bubbles. We ended almost selling out!!
Keep a look out for where we will be next. See you all soon!!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Friday, 25 October 2013
Old Bus Depot Markets
Last couple of Bath Bubbles have been packaged...ready for Sunday's Old Bus Depot Markets in Canberra.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
The "Dress me please doll" has arrived!!!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Canberra OBDM
Come and say hi to us this Sunday, 27 October at the Old Bus Depot Markets in Canberra.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Bath Bubble: Tips on bathing your newborn
1. Lather your little
one with your cream of choice (i.e. Sorbolene) and wrap them in a muslin wrap.
2. Put them into the
Bath Bubble with the muslin wrap. The muslin wrap will keep them feeling safe
and secure.
3. When they have
adjusted to the water unwrap them and wash them using the muslin wrap.
4. When bath time is
done hang your Bath Bubble up to dry ready for the next bath time adventure.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Open your box set and find your doll complete with various patterned fabric and accessories; then play with it:
1. LIFT the cover.
2. ARRANGE the fabrics on the template into blouses, dresses, skirts, trousers, sashes, and beautiful layers.
3. CLOSE the cover.
With our innovative “Lift-Arrange-Close” design, any fabric can turn into glamorous cloth articles without sewing. Watch as layering clothes becomes a reality.
You and your child’s bonding Children love stories with awesome characters and beautiful lessons. Join in the fun and memories by narrating stories of heroines and interesting personalities. Make those characters real with the Dress-Me-Please Doll. Who knows? Maybe doll playing will be your new grown-up pastime.

Monday, 14 October 2013
Bubs Expo and boutique Markets - Young
What a great day in Young yesterday.
Thank you to everyone that came and said hi and a huge thanks to the organizers. You created and awesome experience for everyone.
The Bath Bubble and the Dress Me Doll was a great success!! We are really exited with all the pre-orders placed for the Dress Me Doll. Please stay tuned as we will be providing updates on the blog and on Facebook, on the progress of the next shipment arriving early November.
If you missed out at yesterday's market, remember that you can still purchase the Bath Bubble through the blog by using the secure paypal button. We have also provided a separate purchase option for the Dress Me Doll where you can order and pre-pay. Be quick because it is going like hotcakes at the moment.
Friday, 11 October 2013
Bath Bubble's new line!!!
How exiting!!!
Have a look at the first of the new colour range for the Bath Bubble. You can see a sample of this one at our next market this Sunday, 13 October 2013, in Young (Bubs Expo and Boutique Markets).
If you want to place any orders for the new colour range upfront, please send me an email and remember to indicate which colour.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Bubbles and Bibs are extremely proud to introduce everyone to our new speciality product, which will be launched in Australia in November 2013. Although this is a bit left of centre from our normal product range, we could not resist to jump on board with this great opportunity.
The Dress Me Doll is a terrific educational toy for the whole family.
Orders can be placed now via email to secure your Dress Me Doll. Please type Dress Me Doll Order in the subject line. Cost will be $30 (excluding postage). Payment options will be made available as soon as orders are confirmed.
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below and we'll endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
The Dress-Me-Doll
"Celebrating Children Creativity”—a bright and creative future is in your child's hands.
Your child’s favourite toy!!!!
Introduce your little children to a limitless world of creativity! Kids love Dress-Me-Please Dolls because it is the ultimate colourful toy spelling hours of pure enjoyment. Its innovative design allows for easy and affordable changing of fashionable clothes. With a bunch of friends, kids can learn about sharing, cooperation and problem-solving.
It’s the perfect partner for healthy development. According to child experts, children have caring and doll playing inclinations as early as 15 months. By the time they are 2, true doll playing is observed. Dolls are tools for enhanced social interaction with friends when they get older.
Dolls are definitely the fun educational toys you’re looking for. Your child’s optimal development It’s no secret that the brain needs lots of positive stimuli and experiences to grow.
• Grasping — Fine motor coordination
• Dressing — Eye-Hand coordination
• Mixing colourful clothes — Creativity, Visual Perception
• Role-Playing — Life Skills and Caring Ability
• Friendly Play — Sharing and Confidence
• Group Play — Problem-solving and Leadership
• Release of Tension and Anxiety
• Intelligence Recommended by Occupational Therapists.
How it works :
Open your box set and find your doll complete with various patterned fabric and accessories; then play with it:
- LIFT the cover.
- ARRANGE the fabrics on the template into blouses, dresses, skirts, trousers, sashes, and beautiful layers.
- CLOSE the cover.
With our innovative “Lift-Arrange-Close” design, any fabric can turn into glamorous cloth articles without sewing. Watch as layering clothes becomes a reality.
You and your child’s bonding Children love stories with awesome characters and beautiful lessons. Join in the fun and memories by narrating stories of heroines and interesting personalities. Make those characters real with the Dress-Me-Please Doll. Who knows? Maybe doll playing will be your new grown-up pastime.

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